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Read all .csv files in a directory, with labels if specified.


  labels_from = NULL,
  format_file = NULL,
  subdirectories = FALSE,
  read_fun = "guess",
  datetime_extraction = "guess",
  verbose = getOption("edc_read_verbose", 1),
  clean_names_fun = NULL



path to the directory containing .csv files.




path to the file containing the labels. See section "Labels file" below.


the path to the file that should be used to apply formats. See section "Format file" below. Use NULL to not apply formats.


whether to read subdirectories


if "guess" doesn't work properly, a function to read the files in path, e.g. read.csv, read.csv2,...


the datetime of the data extraction. Default to the most common date of last modification in path.


one of c(0, 1, 2). The higher, the more information will be printed.


[Deprecated] use edc_clean_names() instead.


a list containing one dataframe for each .csv file in the folder, the extraction date (datetime_extraction), and a summary of all imported tables (.lookup).

Labels file

labels_from should contain the information about column labels. It should be a data file (.csv) containing 2 columns: one for the column name and the other for its associated label. Use options(edc_col_name="xxx", edc_col_label="xxx") to specify the names of the columns.

Format file

format_file should contain the information about SAS formats. It can be either:

  • a file, containing the whole PROC FORMAT

  • or a data file (.csv or .sas7bdat) containing 3 columns:

    • FMTNAME the SAS format name (repeated)

    • START the variable level

    • LABEL the label associated to the level

    You can get this datafile from SAS using PROC FORMAT with option CNTLOUT. Otherwise, you can use options(edc_var_format_name="xxx", edc_var_level="xxx", edc_var_label="xxx") to specify different column names.

See also

Other EDCimport reading functions: read_all_sas(), read_all_xpt(), read_trialmaster()


# Create a directory with multiple csv files and a label lookup.
path = paste0(tempdir(), "/read_all_csv")
dir.create(paste0(path, "/subdir"), recursive=TRUE)
write.csv(iris, paste0(path, "/iris.csv"))
write.csv(mtcars, paste0(path, "/mtcars.csv"))
write.csv(mtcars, paste0(path, "/subdir/mtcars.csv"))
write.csv(airquality, paste0(path, "/airquality.csv"))
labs = c(iris, mtcars, airquality) %>% names()
write.csv(data.frame(name=labs, label=toupper(labs)), paste0(path, "/labels.csv"))

db = read_all_csv(path, labels_from="labels.csv", subdirectories=TRUE) %>% 
  set_project_name("My great project")
#> Warning: Option "edc_lookup" has been overwritten.
#> ── EDCimport database ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Contains 4 tables: `airquality`, `iris`, `mtcars`, and `subdir_mtcars`
#>  Use `EDCimport::load_database(db)` to load the tables in the global
#>   environment.
#>  Use `EDCimport::edc_lookup()` to see the summary table.
#> ── Lookup table - My great project (extraction of 2025-03-10) - EDCimport v0.5.2
#>   dataset        nrow  ncol  n_id rows_per_id crfname
#>   <chr>         <dbl> <dbl> <int>       <dbl> <chr>  
#> 1 airquality      153     7     0          NA NA     
#> 2 iris            150     6     0          NA NA     
#> 3 mtcars           32    12     0          NA NA     
#> 4 subdir_mtcars    32    12     0          NA NA