When checking your data, filter your dataset to get only problematic rows.
Then, use either:
to generate a standardized warning that can be forwarded to the datamanageredc_data_stop()
to abort the script if the problem is too serious
Database issues should be traced in a separate file, each with an identifying row number, and the file should be shared with the data-manager.
Use edc_data_warnings()
to generate the table for such a file.
issue_n = "xx",
max_subjid = 5,
csv_path = FALSE,
col_subjid = get_subjid_cols()
edc_data_stop(df, message, ..., issue_n, max_subjid, csv_path, col_subjid)
- df
the filtered dataframe
- message
the message. Can use cli formats.
can be accessed using the.data
special keyword (see example)- ...
- issue_n
identifying row number
- max_subjid
max number of subject ID to show in the message
- csv_path
a path to save
in a csv file that can be shared with the DM for more details.- col_subjid
column name for subject ID. Set to
to ignore.
#> Attaching package: ‘dplyr’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
db = edc_example()
#> Warning: Option "edc_lookup" has been overwritten.
enrol %>%
filter(age>70) %>%
edc_data_warn("Age should not be >70", issue_n=1)
#> Warning: Datasets from this lookup are not available in the global environment.
#> ℹ Did you forget to use `EDCimport::load_database(db)` to load the tables?
#> This warning is displayed once per session.
#> Warning: Issue #01: Age should not be >70 (2 patients: #9 and #12)
enrol %>%
filter(age<25) %>%
edc_data_warn("Age should not be <25", issue_n=2)
#> Warning: Issue #02: Age should not be <25 (1 patient: #18)
db1 %>%
filter(n()>1, .by=subjid) %>%
edc_data_warn("There are duplicated patients in `db1` ({nrow(.data)} rows)", issue_n=3)
#> Error: object 'db1' not found
enrol %>%
filter(age<25) %>%
edc_data_warn("Age should not be <25", issue_n=NULL)
#> Warning: Age should not be <25 (1 patient: #18)
#> # A tibble: 3 × 4
#> issue_n message subjid fun
#> <chr> <chr> <list> <chr>
#> 1 01 Age should not be >70 <chr [2]> cli_warn
#> 2 02 Age should not be <25 <chr [1]> cli_warn
#> 3 NA Age should not be <25 <chr [1]> cli_warn
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
enrol %>%
filter(age<25) %>%
edc_data_warn("Age should not be <25", csv_path="check/check_age_25.csv")
enrol %>%
filter(age<25) %>%
edc_data_stop("Age should *never* be <25")
} # }